Book a stay

All rooms are non-smoking rooms. Each room has a bathroom with shower & Free Wi-Fi.

If the dates you request are not available, please contact us. We can sometimes rearrange to meet your needs.

If you would like to CANCEL a reservation you have already made, please call us.

Tilkøbs muligheder:

  • Sent udtjekning kl. 11:00 - 13.00 
    • 200,00 kr. pr. værelse
  • Hund
    • 200,00 kr pr. værelse (OBS - Læs venligst afsnittet om hund)
  • Ekstra opredning - incl. morgenmad
    • 350 pr. gæst pr. døgn (Gælder Old Fashioned og Suite værelserne.)

OBS: Ønskes et eller flere af disse ekstra tilkøb bedes i booke opholdet på : Tlf:. +45 97820200

Current energy charges:

From 01.10.2022, an energy charge of 10.00 per night will be imposed.


Kære hundeejere. Det er KUN tilladt med kæledyr efter aftale med hotellet - Kontakt hotellet direkte på telefon for at booke værelse med hund tilladt

Hund koster 200 pr. Døgn og KUN ved forhånds booking. Der skal medbringes noget som hunden kan sove på. Hunden må ikke opholde sig alene på værelset. Hunden må ikke komme i restauranten.  Hvis det ovenstående ikke overholdes sendes der en HUNDEBØDE.



Contact us
Tel. +4597820200

Cancellation rules

There is no cancellation fee up to 24 hours before check-in


Discover the area in Lemvig

Hotel Lidenlund is located in the heart of Lemvig, and as a guest you have easy access to both harbor life, the city's charm and nature - all within a radius of one kilometer.

500 meters from the hotel's front door is the harbor, where you can jump into the blue wave, either from the harbor's bathing jetties or the city's small sandy beach. 200 meters from the hotel you will find Lemvig Lake, which provides an opportunity for a walk to the melting valley of the Ice Age. The hotel itself is surrounded by the town's restaurants and specialty shops.
Hotel Lidenlund
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Port life in lemvig
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The fjord
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Design & development:
Call: +45 97820200
Book a stay
We have charging points
for your electric car in the
parking lot
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